With 6 campuses in Toulouse and 1 in Tarbes and 19 research laboratories, INP Toulouse offers you the opportunity to study and do research at a dynamic and multidisciplinary university of more than 6000 students.
English taught programmes:
MSc in Agrofood chain, Fluid mechanics, Electrical engineering, Green chemistry, Satellite telecommunications, Risk engineering and Water management
Foreign intake:
23% international students
150 in English taught programmes
Scholarships are given on a merit basis.
Meet one-on-one with the university’s representatives and clear your doubts on submitting the application, visa process, courses offered and scholarships available.
Check our page listing the schools present at Choose France Tour: http://ifindia.in/choose-France-tour/#institutions
Register now to meet these institutions: https://cft.ifindia.in/?utm_source=Website-CFT…
French Embassy in India / Ambassade de France en Inde
French Institute in India
Toulouse INP
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